Posts Tagged ‘ncw’

The National Commission for Women – Candidness Personified

October 7, 2009–candidness-personified/

by Uma Challa

In May 2003, the National Commission for Women (NCW) felicitated one Ms. Nisha Sharma for canceling her own wedding, standing up against the evil of dowry and sending out a “loud and clear message to dowry seekers”, and Ms. Sharma became a role model for all women, overnight.  The truth, that her wedding was not cancelled due to additional demands for dowry, but because of Ms. Sharma’s pending issues with a former boyfriend, was quietly pushed under the carpet by the NCW.

In the same vein, in July 2007, a woman called Pooja Chauhan made false accusations of dowry harassment against her husband and mother-in-law, and paraded the streets of Rajkot semi-nude as a symbol of protest. The NCW was very prompt in reacting to the incident, ensured the arrest of the husband, mother-in-law, and neighbors too, for allegedly committing domestic violence against Ms. Chauhan. It did not take too long for the truth to come out and for the NCW spokesperson to put her foot in her mouth, and quickly cover up their faux pas.

In February 2009, NCW showed its characteristic promptness in ordering a probe into the “Mangalore pub incident” when a number of girls were allegedly molested by some goons in the middle of the night. The NCW and other women’s rights champions had a field-day harping about increasing atrocities on women.  When the investigation report filed by Karnataka Women’s Commission Chairperson, Nirmala Venkatesh, revealed certain inconvenient truths, the NCW found itself in the same usual “foot-in-its-mouth-situation”. This time the NCW rejected Ms. Venkatesh’s report, and fired her to save its own face.

On 5 October 2009, an airhostess approached the NCW with allegations of assault and molestation on a pilot and co-pilot of a plane on which she was a crew member. While counter allegations and witness statements quickly revealed that the story of the airhostess may just be another story like those mentioned above, the NCW habitually jumped into action, and instituted a panel for investigation into the issue, in less than 2.5 days after the incident. The two pilots have been fired even before the investigation could begin. Knowing NCW’s track record of rendering justice in such situations, does one have to really guess the outcome of this episode?

Never mind! The NCW is just doing its job of looking after protection and empowerment of women in a male-dominated society. After all, it should be okay to penalize a few innocent men to protect thousands of vulnerable women, right?

Oh! Wait a minute! Don’t jump to conclusions so soon!

Beginning year 2005, several elderly women, falsely accused under IPC Section 498A (for the only crime of mothering sons and getting the sons married) approached the NCW, seeking justice. These women have long heart-rending accounts of how they are being harassed by their daughters-in-law. The NCW’s short, yet prompt and candid response to these mothers was, “Your matter does not fall under the mandate of the Commission”.

Similarly, in June 2009, a 45 year old woman who was arrested on charges of dowry harassment was allegedly gang-raped in police custody, in Bhopal. The news, which was reported in leading newspapers, went completely unnoticed by the NCW. No panel, no probe, even 2.5 months after the incident. Surprised? No need to be. This is simply one more matter that does not fall under the mandate of NCW.

Indian women need to be very clear about their expectations from the NCW, when the NCW is so clear about its mandate. You should know by now that the NCW is literally working overtime for the cause of disgruntled, adulterous, parasitic and criminal-minded wives, girlfriends and female workers. How many more matters would you expect the NCW to include in its mandate?

Why are so many of you women surprised about NCW’s modi operandi? Beats me!

Bell Bajao – Breakthrough in Swindling Charity Money

June 9, 2009

Ca Ching! The cash register is ringing non-stop and the money is pouring in from all corners!

Oh my God! One in three women in India is a victim of Domestic Violence, that too “behind closed doors”! What a shame? What a shame?

The Goebbels of Third Reich is hanging his head in shame from his comfortable ensconce in hell looking at the scale and intensity of the “Bell Bajao” campaign!

Not to be left behind, the corporate heavy weights like Google, Intel, Bloomberg and other sundry do-gooders eagerly attach their names to the campaign!

Here are the Domestic Violence Industry profiteers in full force and action, what with merchandise for sale, Domestic Violence credit cards, charity monies from the sundry foundations – the profits appear to be unbelievable and unstoppable!

So what is really happening with this shameful campaign? Our beloved Sentinel (the author of Survival Guide to IPC 498a and blogger at has applied his keen analytical skills and sharp pen to deconstruct this campaign in his posting here –

To The Feminazis Of The Bell Bajao Campaign

Here are some excerpts –

One out of every three women faces violence behind closed doors

Really ??!!!

Let’s take a look at this number again.

India has a population of 1,000,000,000 (1+ Billion.  What a shame !)

Let’s say approximately half of them are women of all ages so that makes it 500,000,000.

According to this Feminazi statistic,  1/3 of these women of all ages face domestic violence behind closed doors.

This means

500,000,000 / 3 = 166,666,667

which is effectively a little more than half the population of the US.

Considering that this law (PWDVA) defines domestic violence as being inflicted only by men upon women, then we have an equal number of men, 166,666,667,  subjecting women to domestic violence behind closed doors.

This effectively means, 320,000,000 Indians are living in violence and misery.

What does this number really mean?

This number means that the entire Indian Middle Class is living in misery and subjecting itself to domestic violence.

Why would I say middle class?

Because nobody cares about the  poor and the abjectly  poor brethen of our country, whose number goes into 600,000,000+. They face a greater violence, poverty.

How does one apply the DV in its present form, with compensations, right to residence and all its idiocies to the poor and the very poor?  Heck  ! If you don’t live in a house which Bell will you Bajao?

In reality the poor don’t have the taste for the finer aspects of life like the PWDVA.

You can forget about the political class and the very rich. Things like the DV Act don’t apply to them, because if it did, the beneficiaries of this nonsense would be booted onto the streets, instead of hob nobbing with the elites and the political class in fancy hotels and conference venues. Try getting past the security guards and the throngs of hangers on to Bajao the Bell of the homes of the political class and the very rich.  To illustriate my point, try to Bajao the Bell of Union Minister “498A accused” Arjun Singh !!

By this reasoning,  a huge chunk of the Indian population can be eliminated from the purview of the DV Act.

This leaves the upper middle, the middle, and the lower middle classes, which are estimated to be around 400,000,000. The PWDVA is targeted precisely towards this strata of Indian society and so does this shoddy campaign. The middles classes have not organized themselves into a solid voting block. They remain divided and are a tempting target for the Feminazis to extract their pound of flesh from.

For a population size that is still greater than that of the US, that is a lot of Bells To Bajao, cases to stuff down into clogged courts, protection orders to issue and prime properties to be taken over under the excuse of right to residence!!

One last question – If all this domestic violence was going on behind closed doors, how on earth did these people compile these statistics ?


Now floks, you get the picture. These profiteers of Domestic Violence Industry have no principles, no scruples and no morals. They feed on ignorance of the charities, they feed on the misery and devastation they cause in the society and they profit from utter and pure lies. They can do all this because they have mastered the art of propaganda. Sad truth is, there is nobody in positions of power, respect or authority left to challenge these dishonest and disgusting people!

Renuka’s Roundtable Farce

June 23, 2008

Below is the letter sent out by the Ministry of WCD inviting men’s groups to attend a roundtable to be hosted on June 25, 2008.



Date : 17 June, 2008

Subject: Round Table on building partnerships with men to promote Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality


The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India and UNIFEM cordially invite you to a round table to discuss strategies on building partnerships with men to promote gender equality and prevent gender based violence on 25th June 2008 as below.


Women’s empowerment and gender equality has been identified as key issues in reducing poverty and contributing to the economic development of the country. In spite of several decades of attention to mainstream gender concerns in development policy and practice, gender inequalities that disadvantage girls and women persist in society, including unequal access to education, health care, and income. Gender based violence is an issue, which almost all parts of our society have been forced to confront. It destroys human rights, reverses gains in development, and devastates families and communities. No community is immune to gender based violence – it affects all ages, classes, castes and social groups. It is for this reason that efforts at building more gender equitable society have focused on gender based violence as a fundamental area of concern and policy intervention. While many of these measures are gradually showing positive results, ideas of gender discrimination in the area of violence prevention and gender equality face resistance at several levels.


There is urgent need to broaden these interventions to include young boys and men to promote ideas of gender equality and justice.




Observe UNIFEM is sponsoring this charade. The invitations were sent on 17th June, 2008, which indicates the agenda for the meet was set much earlier than that. What more proof do you want that UNIFEM is actively subverting the very foundations of our society by financing and promoting legislative abominations like PWDVA? Most of the Feminazis of India are financed by the UNIFEM, most prominent of them being the architect of PWDVA, Ms Indira Jaising. The misery spread by this particular legislation will be felt for generations unless the citizens and civil society revolt against this madness in large numbers.


Most of the gobbledygook in the Ministry’s letter is a straight faced lie if you pick it apart. Gender based violence is a myth propagated by the evil radical feminists who stand to profit from the Domestic Violence Industry. It is anybody’s guess how the “poorly drafted Domestic Violence Act” would address the so-called hypothetical inequalities faced by women in access to education, healthcare and income?


It is true, gender based violence destroys human rights, reverses gains in development, and devastates families and communities. Can there be any better example for gender based violence than filing of false cases, in their thousands, by women in collusion with the state machinery, to terrorise the ordinary, law-abiding citizens and families?


The letter states – No community is immune to gender based violence – it affects all ages, classes, castes and social groups. How true! With the massive doses of tax-payer funded feminist propaganda, reaching out to far corners of the country, a lot more women living in tranquil family settings are likely to fall prey to this fallacious notion of victimhood.  Once they start unleashing “legal terrorism”, there would be no community that would remain immune to this social disaster of unparalleled proportions that is waiting to engulf our country.


Note the words, “gender equitable” – lest one may ask for gender neutrality in the legislation. That more women in domestic relationship face violence than men is a lie propagated by the feminist propaganda machine. This has never been proven in any study. Even if you accept this false premise, what about the small percentage of men who do face domestic violence. Don’t they deserve any protection from the law? In fact, a woman who dares to approach the police claiming domestic violence, in all likelihood is herself the aggressor. Now, look at the double whammy for the male victim of domestic violence – he has to undergo all the penal consequences imposed on the aggressor, while silently suffering the domestic violence on him with no recourse to justice from any quarter.


The ministry’s letter states that many of their policy interventions are gradually showing positive results. Which interventions, are they talking about that have shown positive results? Most interventions so far have been unmitigated disasters. Let the statistics speak for themselves. Let me give couple of examples of the great strides made by the WCD –


– More than 100,000 thousand innocent women have been arrested in the last four years.

– The number of cases under kidnapping and abduction of women and girls is 23,228 in 2004; 24,373 in 2005; 27,307 in 2006 – a steady increase under the watchful eye of Renuka Chaudhary and her successful policy interventions.


While the grinding poverty of lower class citizens of our country, who are left behind in the economic boom, is forcing them to sell their daughters into prostitution, the urban profiteers of the Domestic Violence Industry like Indira Jaising are manufacturing fictitious accounts of Domestic Violence against women to make handsome profits at the expense of social tranquility. How much money was spent since the passage of PWDVA for spreading awareness, for sensitization programs of police and judiciary and for the appointment of the so called protection officers? How much money was doled out to the so called service providers? How many lawyers are having a field day exploiting the legal loopholes in the intentionally poorly drafted law?


The letter further states – There is urgent need to broaden these interventions to include young boys and men to promote ideas of gender equality and justice.


Oh! No!! There is no need for the Government to fret and sweat about that. Not really!

The NGOs under the umbrella organization of Save Indian Family Foundation are already giving voice to the disenfranchised male and female victims of the state sponsored legal terrorism. The evil radical feminists thought that the victims of their gender-biased, state sponsored legal terrorism would somehow keep quiet, curse their own fates and get on with their lives. Instead, they have formed a strong and sustainable coalition that is growing stronger as the Government continues to plays deaf and blind to their plight.


In fact, if there is any, there is urgent need to stop this constant drumbeat of women’s victim hood, so the credulous population would stop believing that their girl child’s life would be a miserable existence with no hope. This will go a long way in reducing the scourge of female foeticide.


Renuka Chowdhary’s Landmark Hogwash to be held on June 25, 2008

June 21, 2008
Here is the news item – Men Wail on Renuka’s Shoulders, flashed across media outlets that Renuka Chowdhary, minister for WCD, has decided to invite 100 men’s and Family activists to hear their feedback on the “poorly drafted” PWDVA.
Here is a pic of the hon’ble Minister for WCD:
Here is the snippet from the news item –
New Delhi, June 20: Women and child development minister Renuka Chowdhary has called a first-of-its-kind-meeting with male activists demanding modifications to laws that they claim are flawed and biased against men.
Top ministry officials said they do not expect Chowdhary to yield to the demand from male groups for “gender-equal” laws, though some of their proposals may be considered. Instead, the minister could use the forum to try and explain to men “the need for laws favouring women”.
Here are public questions concerning the participants of this Landmark Hogwash, that we would like the Ministry to answer –
1.  Who are these 100 so called “men’s activists” that have been handpicked for invitation?
2. To what NGOs do they belong?
3. What is their track record in public activism to protect the rights of elders, children, men and families?
4. Are they in receipt of any monetary incentives from either the Govt funds or from the charity monies flowing to the women’s groups?
5. What are their proposals and feedback regarding the “clumsily drafted” PWDVA?
6. Did they consult any victims of “legal terrorism” in arriving at these proposals?
7. What happened to the multitude of representations made by several NGOs listed in the letter below?
8. What action has been taken on these representations?
9. Who else is invited to this meeting along with the above 100 stooges?
10. If the ministry officials do not expect Chowdhary to yield to the demands from male groups, then why is this charade?
Below is the letter sent by one of the senior family rights activist – Vinayak
Letter to the Minister (WCD) Mrs Renuka Chowdhary
Honorable Mrs. Renuka Choudhury,
Minister, Government of India,
Ministry of Women and Child Development,
Shastri Bhavan `A’ Wing,Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
New Delhi-110001
Respected Madam,
Sub : Review of Domestic Violence Act, 2005 on 25th June 2008
This is in connection to the review meeting and the article in The Telegraph
Men wail on Renuka’s shoulders
It is extremely surprising that though NONE of the below NGOs fighting for family harmony and male rights have been invited for the 25th June 2008 review meeting on Domestic Violence Act 2005, till date.
Organizations working towards stoppage of misuse of Dowry Laws and Legal Terrorism in India and promoting family and marital harmony.
1. Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), Bangalore: 0934285323538/ 09845143724
2. Save Family Foundation (SFF), Delhi: 9810611534 / 9911119113
3. Gender Human Rights Society, Delhi : 9899329991 / 9811052770
4. Manushi, Delhi : 011-23978851 / 9350041502
5. Men Cell, Delhi : 9810170681 / 9868142608
6. Mothers and Sisters Initiative (MASI), Delhi : 9818454928
7. Save Innocent Mother and Sister (SIMS), Bangalore:093420413 82
8. Protect Indian Family (PIF), Mumbai : 09869323538 / 09821414336
9. Men Rights Protection, Mumbai : 09892668560
10. Bharat Bachao Sangathan, Kolkata : 09830151555
11. Protect Men’s Right, Kerala : 09387052990 / 0484230478
12. Sahana, Hyderabad:098482803 54 / 09908578457
13. Asha Kiran, Bangalore: 080-65334135
14. Kutumb Rakshna Vedike, Bangalore : 09886934853
15. Protect Men’s Rights, Orissa : 0943708337
16. Pati Pariwar Kalyan Samiti, Lucknow : 09839097522
17. Rakshak, USA/Delhi : 9810452017
18. My Nation, Dubai/USA: 0096-53869295
19. Pirito Purush Pati Parishad Kolkata : 09433094337 / 09231529437
20. All India Forgotten Women, Hyderabad : 09704683163
21. Gujarat Gaurav Raksha Samiti (GGRS) : Vijay Wadhwani
22. The Akhil Bharatiya Patni Atyachaar Virodhi Sangh (ABPAVS), Gujarat
23. Association of Protection of Mens Rights, Chennai
24. Child Rights Initiative for Shared Parenting, Bangalore (CRISP)
25. Peoples United Relationship Enhancement, Mysore (PURE)
26. Save Indian Family Organisation Rajasthan, Jaipur
27. Purushak Sangrashan Sanstha, Nasik
Various NGOs from the above list have already submitted their memorandums separately in February 2008 on the comments on the review of Domestic Violence Act 2005, and till date NONE of the above NGOs have received the invitation to join the review committee on 25th June 2008.
It is even more surprising then who are these 100 male activists who have been invited in the meeting? An RTI is also being filed to know the credentials of these 100 Male activists, the NGOs to which they belong, the NGOs websites and their memorandums and what have these NGOs done for the male rights till date.
Awaiting an early response from your end as it is already 21st June, 2008 and it take some time for these above NGOs for preparation for the 25th June 2008 Domestic Violence Review Meeting.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

Sonia Un-Gandhi’s Stratagem

February 22, 2008

Sonia Gandhi, UPA chairperson, congress supremo and the de-facto ruler of India, has issued not so subtle a suggestion [sic] to Chidambaram, the finance minister – dispense generously the tax-payer funded largesse to the radical feminist outfits and to their agendas. To couch her radical agenda in palatable terms, she threw in the words “common man” and “farmers”, both of whose lives have become immensely intolerable under her rule in spite of the phenomenal 8-9% growth rates India has achieved.

What is the record of Sonia led UPA Government in keeping social harmony in the country? Having exhausted other bankrupt vote bank ideas, they have latched onto the last frontier in divide and rule stratagem – of dividing the basic, fundamental building block of our ancient society – the family. By importing the thoroughly disgraced western, extremist, radical feminist ideologies, the Sonia led UPA Government has embarked on a destructive trajectory to rob our traditional society of its dignity and peace.

The existence of IPC Sec 498a in our law books in its present form cannot be justified under any norms of dispensation of justice. Adding insult to the injury, the Sonia led UPA Government have introduced yet another family decimating, poorly drafted legislation in the form of PWDVA. Time and again, the judiciary witnessing the patent abuse of the legal process, breeding unchecked corruption in its wake, has appealed to the government to amend these laws. The accused citizens are rendered defenseless against the massive Government machinery out to persecute them. Summary arrests are the norm. Many documented instances have come to light wherein this draconian legal provision has been unleashed to settle personal scores and as weapons of extortion.

The statistics speak for the national shame that is perpetrated under the guise of women protection laws under the Congress regime. In the last four years under the Congress rule, more than 90,000 WOMEN were arrested and sent to custody for no apparent violation of law. The number of suicides by males in every age group studied outnumbered the number of suicides by females in those respective age groups. Nearly twice as many married men in the prime of their youth, committed suicide compared to married women in the years 2004 and 2005. Most of these suicides are directly attributable to the misuse of poorly drafted “women protection laws” which are amenable to misuse and corruption.

To further their objectives of dividing the peaceable population on the basis of gender, the Sonia led UPA Government has co-opted the services of the radical feminist organizations of the country like Councial of Social Research and Lawyers Collective. They act as the mouthpieces for the massive, Gobbelian propaganda denigrating whole sections of Indian society as greedy bride burners; and portraying all women in India to be helpless victims of male violence.

There are several laws in our books which were made nearly two hundred years ago by our colonial rulers. For example, take the adultery law. When adultery is committed by a married woman, the man party to the adultery is treated as criminal and not the woman. Many women have successfully used this provision to blackmail vulnerable men. Sonia led UPA Government pretends ignorance of abuse of these and other anachronistic laws. Sonia led UPA Government and their cohorts at NCW, like Girija Vyas perpetuate the myth that women are victims always – even when a woman abuses the laws to deliberately inflict maximum harm on other women and children.

Utilizing the massive Government machinery and tax-payer funds, Sonia led UPA Government is engaged in brainwashing women living in tranquil family settings to believe they are victims. They are encouraged to unleash legal terrorism against their husbands and in-laws, for any perceived or petty grievance. Once the family gets entangled in the corrupt criminal justice system, there is no chance of any reconciliation or restoration of family life. Many women have fallen victim to this propaganda and broken their families.

Family is the basic building block of any society, but it is much more than that in the case of traditional and ancient society like the Indian. Family provides the social security across generations. Sonia led UPA Govt feels no compunctions in destroying that basic building block on the same lines as has been accomplished in the west. As long as their coffers are filled with vote banks, nothing else matters to them.

All thinking individuals must ponder these – Does India have the infrastructure and wealth to put in place the social security that is destroyed when a misplaced legislation like PWDVA or ipc498a precipitates in the destruction of our time tested family system? Should we allow an alien cultural invader like Sonia Gandhi to tread roughshod over our way of life by destroying our culture and supplanting it with an alien non-culture?

Social Ostracism of 498a Women and Their Families

February 16, 2008
Section 498a of Indian Penal Code has become the consummate embodiment of gross human rights violation, blackmail, extortion and corruption. What makes this section particularly amenable to all of the above is that it assumes the accused to be guilty until proven innocent. “Guilty until proven innocent” may appear on the surface to be not such a big deal, but it is the root cause of the intense corruption surrounding this section.  Enough analysis has been done on the abuses perpetrated under this section. The final nail in the portrayal of this abuse was driven when the apex court of our country, the Supreme Court, termed the abuse of Sec 498a as “Legal Terrorism”. Now, Section 498a has become synonymous with the term Legal Terrorism.

However, not enough has been written about the perpetrators of this abuse and how civil society must deal with them. Although, you hear an occasional news article condemning the abuse, in most cases, the media has been selectively biased in reporting the truth about these abuses or the abusers. Journalistic ranks have been infiltrated by the radical feminist elements. They regurgitate the same platitudes, occasionally recycling the same old tired stories of victimhood of women in our society, to justify the continuance of such illegitimate legislation in our legal regime. Rarely do you see anyone questioning the motives or background of the abusers.

Now that we have enough number of cases in the public domain, can we use this evidence to draw some generic conclusions about these blackmailers? Who are these women who file 498a? What are their backgrounds? What is overarching truth about these abusers? How should the society deal with them? These are the questions that need some thinking and reflection. 

There are just two main classes into which most of these filers of 498a can be fitted into. 

  • Adultery/Incest Category
  • Extortion of money Category

 Adultery and Incest

 Anecdotally, behind most 498a cases is a story of adultery or incest.  In almost all cases, the instigator for filing a 498a case is a male member, who is in some way, related to the woman filing 498a. 

Surprisingly, in majority of the cases, the male happens to be the husband of the sister of the woman (ie. the brother-in-law). If one digs deeper, there is a story of brother-in-law abusing his position to entice the gullible sister-in-law into a destructive and dependent relationship. When the wife’s sister gets married, the intensely jealous brother-in-law refuses to let go of her, often instigating her to blow up small differences into major family problems. At the right time, he connives with the rest of the family and instigates them to file a false 498a case, thus breaking her marriage and destroying the future of everyone concerned. In some extreme cases, the brother-in-law even fathered an illegitimate child. When the paternity fraud was discovered, they took shelter in a false 498a.

In yet other cases, as outrageous as it is, it is the brother, the father or a cousin that has incestuous relationship with the girl, who instigates the filing of 498a. The remaining cases involve an ex-boyfriend re-entering her life, resulting in adulterous rendezvous that invariably become exposed. When the adultery is exposed, 498a offers the only shield that can be wielded against her hapless husband at the tax-payers expense.

Extortion of money

 Under this category, the women filing 498a are those who were never interested in matrimony. For these women, 498a is the get-rich-quick scheme of choice. They actively scout around in the matrimonial sites for their next bakra, preferably an NRI, induce him into matrimony and file a 498a within a few months of marriage. There are recorded cases of women repeating this trick three to four times and becoming instant millionaires in the process, finally marrying their boy friends and living happily ever after, while their hapless husbands continue fighting the corrupt criminal justice system of India.

Social Ostracism

So what can be done by the civil society to deal with these criminal families? Social Ostracism is the answer. 

498a legislation is essentially illegitimate and anti-social. However, the Government which is controlled by the radical feminist elements refuses to acknowledge the abuse of the system in the face of mountains of supporting evidence. Most media in India is corrupt and shows little regard for the societal suffering or injustice. Judiciary and police are either brainwashed or conditioned by means of tax-payer funded sensitization programs to wear blinkers that ignore the evil perpetrated by the feminine gender. All the so called “equality demanding feminists” refuse to acknowledge that equality implies women are as capable of evil as are men. If a man can commit murder, so can a woman and many women do. If a man can lie, so can a woman and many women do.

It was heartening to note in the recent Pooja Chauhan episode, where a deranged prostitute who filed a false 498a against her in-laws and paraded her naked body on the streets demanding arrest of her in-laws, the community elders rose to the defense of the accused. This should provide the model for combating the menace of 498a in every corner of India.

In every case of marital breakdown, the first question the society should ask is – has the woman’s family filed a 498a case? If the answer is yes, then close attention to that woman and her family must be paid by all the responsible members of the society. Sooner or later, the full story of incest, adultery or blackmail would become evident and then become public knowledge.


Next time, you find an alliance of a divorced woman, find out from whatever records you find, if the woman filed a 498a case. Let everyone at work, family and neighborhood know the truth about the filers of 498a cases. Time will not be far off when 498a becomes not only synonymous with Legal Terrorism, but also with Adultery, Incest and Blackmail.

Requiem to Pushkar Singh

February 11, 2008

Oh Pushkar, tender son of the mother
Heir to the father and the forefather
Born on the banks of the holy river
A confluence of ancient wisdom and culture

Alas! You entered into a deathly union
An error in judgment
Not for the raging hormone
But the ancestral responsibility
With a devilish whore and her pimp –
The corrupt criminal injustice system!
To break your spirits
And to yield to their extortion
They locked you up for four long months
In the dark dungeons of despair
Depriving you of fair play and justice
While they broke your spirits
They could not destroy your soul
And it departed the earth intact
A life cut down in less than three tens of a year
Now shines from the heavens
In its infinite whiteness!

The naked, marauding pigs
Of radical feminism
Renuka Vyas, Girija Chaudhary
Ranjana Jaising, Indira Kumari
And all the sundry feminist coterie
Wearing nefarious designs
Up their sleeves
Rummaging through
The nook and corner
Of our holy land
Stand exposed in stark contrast
In the bright light of your sacrifice!

While your memory lives on
Imparting an inspiration
To the young of our country
It is certain from this day counting
The end of radical feminism is nigh
And numbered are the days
Of its fanatic proponents
However mighty and high!!

Boycott Renuka Chowdhry’s Round-Table

November 15, 2007

I recently came across this news item “Men’s meet to save women” in The Telegraph that Renuka Chowdhry, the prime practitioner of pussy politics in India,  is planning a round-table involving men’s groups to tackle the Domestic Violence against women. I should say “bemusement” was my reaction.

Questions that are raised in one’s mind, reading the news item are – Since when did she realize that men needed to be consulted? What was her reasoning in mentioning bloggers in connection with that consultation? Has the political mileage to be gained from the practice of crass pussy politics run its course? Is the backlash against over-playing of gender card gaining momentum, both on the ground and in cyber world? Is the emergence of organized men’s groups having a political impact affecting her chances of re-election?

Renuka Chowdhry, who is also well-known by the epithet –“Griha VinaSini” and who uttered these famous words – “it is men’s turn to suffer” – was at it again, even while acknowledging that men needed to be consulted in making laws that affect family relationships and tranquility.  Here was her leading question – “I want to know what provokes men to beat up their wives?”

Wah! Now any idiot of male gender who would attend her round-table should have already accepted her premise – men beat up their wives.  And then what consultation is she talking about?

Should any men’s groups attend that round-table? The answer, in my opinion, is a resounding “No”. For one thing – here should be the response from the most pre-eminent men’s group in India – the Save Indian Family Foundation – a collective yawn; or perhaps a collective middle finger.

Anniversary of the Abomination called PWDVA (Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act 2005)

October 30, 2007

October 26, 2007 marked the first anniversary of the passage of the legislative abomination called PWDVA 2005 (Protection of Women against Domestic Violence Act). On that day, a posse of dedicated volunteers from the rapidly growing Save Indian Family Foundation staged a protest at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi, opposing the draconian provisions of this malicious piece of legislation.

Before the radical feminist propaganda machine rolls into high gear branding Save Indian Family as a misogynist, patriarchal, male chauvinist organization promoting violence against women, let me make it clear to all the readers – Save Indian Family foundation opposes all forms of domestic violence. SIFF is not opposed to legislation to protect a spouse from intimate partner violence. What SIFF is opposed to is the extremist legislation whose goals are more of fulfillment of radical feminist agendas rather than the true protection of vulnerable women. In the following paragraphs, I will illustrate how this legislative abomination called PWDVA, is more about establishing a radical feminist hegemony in Indian civil society than about protecting women from violence.

The period preceding the passing of this extremist legislation was characterized by the careful orchestration of a large scale propaganda, both in national and international media about the prevalence of domestic violence against women in India. The UN was co-opted to provide the cover of legitimacy to the radical feminists’ fictitious accounts. Some of the headlines read – “75% of Indian women subjected to Domestic Violence – UN Study”, implying a whopping 75% of the men in India are perpetrators of Domestic Violence. Many international media carried this headline, and not one sensible elder either from political parties or from the ranks of the government had the courage to condemn this fallacious propaganda or at the least challenge this study. The task eventually fell upon the volunteers of SIFF, who in coordination with other international men’s groups worked to set the record straight. The result was a retraction by the Washington Times.

Over the last one year, there were several criticisms heard from both the proponents and opponents of this draconian piece of legislation. Proponents claim the implementation is lax, not enough awareness exists about the provisions of the legislation and that the police and judiciary are not sensitized. On the other hand, the opponents claim that the law was badly drafted and it is difficult to implement it. Also, they claim there is ample scope for misuse of the provisions. One such erudite article was written by Sri R.K.Gauba and you can find the link here.

One rarely hears about any analysis of the sheer magnitude of male hating malice and callousness packed into this piece of legislation.  PWDVA was drafted intentionally to cause maximum amount of disruption and chaos in the society. The language in the act was intentionally left ambiguous, so the doors are left open for extortion and blackmail. I will elaborate on this further down. The passage of this legislation in our parliament is a reflection of the complete control the non-governmental radical feminist groups like lawyers collective, Council for Social Research have obtained over the legislative agenda and the legislative process of our country. In the following paragraphs, I intend to highlight some of the more insidious provisions of this law.

Definitional nightmare

One of the foundations of any sensible legal regime is, the predictability and reasonableness in interpretation. To that end, definitions must be made parsimoniously, so that as little room is left for guesswork or distorted interpretations. In a stroke of deliberate callousness, the authors of this legislation came up with definitions that would be a nightmare in any legal proceeding.

To illustrate – while defining the right to residence, they included the words “have lived at any point of time”.   There is no conception of when, where, how long, contained anywhere in the act. The second example is the definition of “aggrieved person”. Firstly, the aggrieved person can be only be a woman, and the one who is or has been in a domestic relationship. Taken together, these two definitions effectively leave the door open for any unscrupulous woman to implicate any man whom they have successfully induced into some sort of association.

Every word in the definition of the term Domestic Violence is dripping with male hatred of radical feminists. The authors of this legislation have given away unadulterated picture of their true agendas in this definition. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to go read for themselves the definition of Domestic Violence in this act. I just want to highlight one snippet here “any act, omission or commission or conduct”.

Wow! “Any act, omission, commission or conduct”!!! I challenge the morons who authored this idiotic definition, to show one grown up human being (either a man or a woman) in this world, who would not be guilty of having committed domestic violence as per this definition. Given these open ended definitions; one can only surmise what were the true intentions of the authors of this legislation. Was it meant as a true protection from violence for a victimized, helpless woman; or as a weapon of blackmail in the hands of a marauding, vitriolic, supercilious, upwardly mobile, short tempered urban termagant?

Complete marginalization of male in a relationship

The most significant aspect of this whole act is – the systematic destruction of any semblance of the rights of men. Only a male can be accused under this law. Once accused under this law, there is nothing, let me repeat, literally nothing in this act that gives an accused male (the so called respondent) any chance of successful defense. All proceedings are summary – confiscation of his assets, dispossession of his rightful residence and summary penalties etc are all formalized.

Radical feminists like Indira Jaisingh would have you believe that the basis for DV act was respect for human rights of the individuals concerned in a domestic relationship. But you cannot confer rights on one section of the citizenry by removing the fundamental and human rights from another section of the citizenry. This is exactly what the DV act accomplishes.

Lack of proportionality

One major, and perhaps very intentional, flaw in this legislation is the lack of proportionality. In every country in the world, partners in a relationship accumulate rights and responsibilities based on the duration of the relationship – the longer the duration, the higher the accumulation of such rights and responsibilities. Not so under PWDVA of India. Any woman who seduces a man into a day or two of relationship can claim Domestic violence if the man refuses to continue his relationship with the whore. She has same rights under this legislation as the wife of twenty years of a man.

Civil law charade

Another ostensible defense we hear from the proponents of this legislation is that this is a civil remedy. I want to roundly condemn this charade of civil remedy propagated by the feminist propaganda machine.

If you read through the legislation, the proceedings to obtain a protection order are summary and give not much opportunity to the male to either contradict or to have a defense in open court. Once all his defenses are robbed off, and a protection order is made, he is obliged to follow that order. Any violation, intentional or unintentional, is a cognizable and non-bailable criminal offense. This charade of ‘civil law’ is actually a mechanism to co-opt the state machinery in the blackmail scheme. Here is the subtle threat – pay up now, before I convert this into a criminal case.

With 498a, they did not have that opportunity. There was only chance – you file the complaint and hope for the best. The drafters of PWDVA have now rectified the “problem” with the 498a by legislating a so called “civil remedy”, which can be turned into a criminal offence at the convenience of the lady, for most effective extortion.

Intimidation of Judiciary

But for the existence of independent higher judiciary, one can only wonder where the radical feminists would have taken our polity to.   As the judiciary encounters more and more outrageous cases of exploitation like the “Batra vs Batra – 2006” case, they have taken a balanced approach in interpreting the badly drafted laws to preserve harmony in the society while ensuring genuine victims receive justice. Supreme court judgment in Batra vs Batra 2006, is a great example how the courts are performing this balancing act. Let me quote from the above Supreme court judgment – “It is well settled that any interpretation which leads to absurdity should not be accepted”.

Many provisions in the “poorly drafted” DV Act do lead to absurdities. It is now befalling on the courts to give sensible interpretation to the most pernicious provisions in the act to forestall chaos in the society. Most litigation in our country is fought in open courts under an adversarial and rule based system we inherited from the English. Most courts pronounce judgments based on the facts of the case coupled with sound reasoning and sensible interpretation of legal provisions. Judgments in the cases of DVAct or Dowry Prohibition act or 498a are no different.

When the apex court of our country made a criticism that the law was poorly drafted, it did not make a cavalier statement without basis in fact. Instead of accepting the fact that the law was indeed poorly drafted, the likes of Indira Jaisingh and Brinda Karat have taken to acts of intimidation of the judiciary. Indira Jaisingh as penned two articles, one titled “Crying hoarse, not wolf”, and “Family against Woman”.   Line by line refutation of both of these inane rants can be done, but serves no purpose. Suffice it to say, both these articles were written with an oblique motive of influencing or intimidating the judiciary to tow the party line. This approach is not new to  Indira Jaisingh, who led several successive, but unsuccessful, attacks to smear the name of Justice Shiv Narain Dhingra.

The feminist collectives have very successfully and effectively rigged the political and legislative processes. However, they could not complete the process by subverting the judiciary as well. Not that they did not try, and to some extent, they may have even succeeded too. But, still one can expect (even an accused male) semblance of justice as he reaches higher echelons of the judiciary. We hope that higher echelons of judiciary will continue to uphold the principles of fair play, constitutional and fundamental rights even in the face of intimidation from corrupt and radical feminists. Any concerted attacks on the judiciary by the radical feminists must be vigorously opposed by all sections of the civil society.

Epilogue on Right to residence

Right to residence is one of the most ill-drafted and pernicious provisions in this act. The following modifications must be incorporated into the act immediately –

a)    The SC guidelines on Shared household as pronounced in Batra vs Batra must be formalized and incorporated into the act. Shared household cannot be the self acquired property of the parents of the male in a domestic relationship. Often, a couple invests a whole lifetime in acquiring s property so they can spend their twilight years in peace and harmony. An irate daughter-in-law in a strained relationship with her husband   should not be allowed to rob them of that.

b)     Joint family property – Often Indian joint families across multiple generations, both vertically and horizontally, tend to live in a joint family property which may consists of only three or four rooms. I was witness to many such families. If an unscrupulous woman is allowed a residence order in such a joint family property, it will result in the dispossession and displacement of multiple members of the joint family.  The needs of residence of an estranged wife or a live-in can surely be met without necessarily dispossessing countless others.

Abetment of a Crime is not a Crime – NCW

September 1, 2007

Tax payer funded NCW has drawn up a list of sinister amendments to the laws relating to matrimonial disputes that are sure to cause further chaos and destabilization in the already fragile family relationships in India.

In this article, I am primarily focusing on the proposed amendments to the Dowry Prohibition act 1961.  These are the main points of NCW’s recommended amendments –

  • Dowry offenses must be treated as offenses against the state
  • Remove the time limit of one year to lodge complaints under this act
  • All dowry offenses must be cognizable and non-bailable
  • The burden of proof must be on the accused
  • Giving dowry is not a crime
  • Minimum term of seven years extendable up to ten years of imprisonment

 It is not clear why the dowry offense must be treated as offenses against the state, when the accusations are made by one citizen against the other. Already IPC Sec 498a allegations are inviting state prosecution. The truth about the widespread misuse of section 498a is already well known. The need of the hour is to study the enormous costs that are already incurred by public exchequer and the overburdened criminal justice system due to the abuse of existing provisions. It is not clear what NCW aims to accomplish by making any and all allegations of dowry harassment, crimes against the state. Doesn’t the state already have enough concerns in terms of keeping the law and order and prevention of terrorism?

NCW is recommending sections 7 and 8 of the act to be omitted. Section 7 stipulates that no court inferior to first class magistrate shall try any offence under this act. It further stipulates that complaint can be made within one year from the date of the offence.Section 8 stipulates that the offences under this act are non-cognizable and bailable.

We do not need much analysis to understand why NCW wants these sections to be dropped. They would like to remove the time limits for lodging complaints, so a woman in an unhappy marriage; or an otherwise errant woman can keep the option of filing a complaint (in most cases a false one) any time she pleases. Further, it is the intention of NCW to remove any aspects of this law that makes it non-cognizable and bailable. As the IPC Sec 498a is becoming synonymous with gross human rights violations and losing its edge, perhaps NCW wants the DP act 1961 to slowly slip into its shoes essentially fulfilling the same role.

Another interesting recommendation from NCW is – “Persons giving dowry are victims and hence it is not fair to punish them”. Of all the recommendations, this one takes the special honors. This recommendation would go down in the history of NCW as one of its most shameful crown jewels.

Let us reiterate the statement so it sinks in to our conscience – Persons giving dowry are victims and hence it is not fair to punish them.

Does “giving” precede “taking” or the reverse? If there are no givers, would there be any takers? If there are no stabbers, would there be any stabbed? If there are no pushers, would there be any pushed?

Logic dictates that if you strictly outlaw the practice of giving dowry with stringent penalties, the practice of dowry giving and hence its taking would cease very quickly. Although, the act in its current form treats giving dowry as an offense, one rarely finds an instance of dowry givers being prosecuted. But NCW’s intentions in making this particular recommendation, are quite different from what meet the eye.

Let me illustrate the point. Let us say A is the bride’s father and B is the groom’s father. 

A – We want to give 10 lakhs as present to our son-in-law on the occasion of our daughters wedding

B – But wait, we have nt decided on this marriage proposal yet. Our son appears not ready for marriage now.

A – In fact, I will register the 3 bed room apartment in the city as a wedding present to the new couple.

B – We are not sure. We don’t believe in taking dowry. Give us some more time to think about this alliance.

A – Please don’t say no. We already told all our relatives and neighbors that this alliance is settled. I will give another 10 lakhs. Your son is in the IT field. He is already earning close to 25 lakhs per year. I know what we are offering you, he can earn in less than a year. But, please consider this proposal.

B – OK! Whatever you give would be for the couple to setup their new matrimonial home.

And the wedding is performed. The girl’s father deposits ten lakhs in the bridegroom’s account. The day after the wedding, the girl returns to her natal family. The third day, the groom’s family receives a phone call from a mediator – 

“Our daughter is not interested in returning to her in-laws. We want to settle the case now. For one crore. If you do not agree, we will file a case under the ‘amended’ dowry prohibition act. Thanks to NCW, now it s a cognizable, non-bailable offense. It is also a crime against the state. The punishment can range up to ten years of imprisonment. You see, your son is still young – he is in a good job. We have proof. What we are asking for is not unreasonable. We will give you a day to think about”.

That is the ultimatum the groom’s family receives. What are the choices left for the so accused groom’s family after the proposed amendments by NCW are passed?

a)     Give into the blackmail

b)     Commit suicide

c)      Face imprisonment

In fact, all that a woman or her family have to do is to simply drop off a wad of cash in the husband’s house and immediately register a case of dowry against the husband’s household. The police can swoop down on the residence of the husband’s family and summarily arrest them while collecting the carefully left evidence by the dowry giver. Adding insult to the injury, now the burden of proving innocence is on the accused under the proposed amendments by the NCW. This dastardly act of trickery can be easily performed in the broad daylight at any time during the existence of marriage.

Where is the defense for the accused against willful entrapment by the woman and her relatives? Where would they go for justice?

Sections 107 to 120 of IPC extensively deal with the abetment of a crime and punishment for the same. In almost all scenarios discussed there, abetment of crime attracts almost equivalent punishment as the crime itself. Not so, under the amendments proposed by NCW – abetment is NOT a crime if the D word is involved.

Any casual observer can quickly understand that these amendments are proposed neither to prevent the practice of dowry nor to prevent harassment of women. These provisions are envisaged as nothing more than tools of extortion in the hands of women and her family.
Once we understand the draconian and diabolical nature of these amendments, the next thought that is raised in our minds is – 

How prevalent the dowry practice must be for the NCW to make such extremist recommendations!
The following are unanswered questions; NCW may find it prudent to attempt answering, before pushing such perversions as the proposed amendments on the unguarded population of our namesake democracy.



  • How prevalent is the problem of dowry practice now as compared to 1961 when the original act was passed?
  • Has NCW conducted any scholarly research studies to document the extent and prevalence of the Dowry practice by geographic, socio-economic, or education or any other dimensions?
  • Is it true the modern, educated, young city woman would run after a dowry seeker seeking a marriage with him?
  • Is anyone forcing marriages and dowries on unwilling women and their families?
  • What is the rationale of NCW in actively promoting entrapment and extortion under the guise of amendments?
  • What is NCW’s justification for recommending imprisonment terms of seven to ten years for dowry allegations (see no proof is required to convict)?

 Wake up India from your deep slumber before the anti-social elements from the tax payer funded entities like NCW, destroy any semblance of sanity and tranquility in our society in the name of women protection laws!

Is it a simple man versus woman equation? When you destroy either one, don’t many other men, women and children suffer?

We need equity and a sense of proportion in our legislation to prevent misuse of the law and to provide justice to genuine victims. We need a whole lot of people awareness and participation to solve any complex social issues such as dowry practice. Idiotic laws and amendments with ample scope for misuse would only encourage otherwise reasonable people to resort to such misuse and thereby spread further chaos in the society.